BB Battery High Cycle and High Power 12 volt 12 Ah VRLA AGM Sealed Maintenance Free Rechargeable Battery, Nonspillable
Replaces: Compaq T700 CSB GP12110 (GP 12110) Deltec PRB 500, PRM 700, PRS 750, PRC 1000 Panasonic LC-R1212P, LCR12V12PF PowerPal L1000, PowerPak L1000X Powersonic PS-12120 Powerware Fortress 750 PTI AT5000 Universal Battery UB12120 (UB 12120) Yuasa NP12-12 (NP 12-12) Dimensions: 5.94 x 3.86 x 3.7 Connector - T2 (F2, 0.25 inch) Terminal Configuration Features: Absorbent Glass Mat technology for efficient gas recombination Maintenance free (no water topping-up required) No free acid (Non-spillable battery) Can be used in any orientation (excluding used inverted) The battery is designed for high power & high cyclic usage Low self-discharge rate,lower than 3% capacity loss per month Also known as: SLA or Sealed Lead Acid VRLA or Valve Regulated Lead Acid AGM or Absorbed Glass Mat Compatible with Gel Cell applications ติดต่อสอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ โทร. 02-565-8069 089-922-8887